Perth, April 9 2020
Day 18 of #covid19 #socialdistance
Today we had takeaway ice cream from one of our favourite local business for afternoon tea, and we got inspired. We crafted 5 ice creams with carton and colours, used them for a counting game that involved pretend play & teaching English to grandma.
We practiced our hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills to cut, handle and stick pieces to make 5 ice creams.
After then we made 5 coins by rubbing pastels on a piece of thin paper with a true coin behind, so that we got true copies of real coins. We used mum's purse from when she was a child, survived from the early 80s and our piggy bank.
We then modified the popular rhyme "5 cupcakes in the backer's shop" into "5 ice creams in the ice cream shop":
5 ice creams in the ice cream shop
colourful with a biscuit on the top
along came (name person) with 1 dollar one day
and bought an ice cream from the ice cream shop
4 ice creams in the ice cream shop .. etc...
Until no ice creams are left
Then we wrote the rhyme on a piece of paper, to help grandma learning some English while playing.
We set a shop on the couch, while I was breastfeeding the baby, and as we were singing, I had both my daughter and my mum coming to buy ice cream with the coin in the special purse, and as they paid I put the coin in the piggy bank and gave them the ice cream.
Sometimes, someone bought 2 ice creams, so we had to figure out subtracting 2.
There are lots of ways this role game can be played. We had a good 1.5-2 hours of fun between crafting ice creams and coins and then playing and singing.
Learning outcomes:
hand eye coordination
fine motor skills
turn taking
counting and subtracting