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Day 19: Fizzy colourful chemistry - part 1

Writer's picture: raffademichelisraffademichelis

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Perth, April 10 2019

Today we wanted to play making some fizzy art with bicarbonate and coloured vinegar. We had no food colours - as usually suggested with this experiment - so we thought we could use our water based colours we use for painting... not really!

Look in the movies what happened as soon as we started dissolving the colour inside vinegar!

We had to change our plans and leave our vinegar and bicarbonate artwork for another day (I'll share the link as soon as we go to the shops and buy the right colours, though it may take a week or so).

However we really had fun watching the fizzy reaction between vinegar and our colours, and how the bubble were making

the colour flakes dancing in the cups.

We tried to put some rice and some cous cous grains to see whether the bubbles were strong enough to make them dance too, but no. Rice and cous cous grains were probably too heavy and stayed at the bottom of the cup.

We mixed and mixed with a spoon, but no way, the colour and vinegar were separated and they didn't want to mix at all.

We decided then to try separating the two components. We used a funnel and took some cotton, some toilet paper and one of the cloth we use for cleaning paint. We tried these different materials as filter, and they all worked! We could separate perfectly the transparent liquid from the semi-solid paint precipitate, with cotton balls being the slowest at filtering.

We ended up with all of these wet filters, which we put outside to dry and will use to decorate some other crafts.

Indeed, later we decided to continue practicing shapes by making fish in the sea and used one of the coloured cotton balls to make a sponge on the seabed.

This is a message from my daughter, who wants to participate writing this blog:



Learning outcomes:

chemical reactions

filtration & separation of mixture's components

Materials: water based liquid colours (I used the Crayola, not sure if other brands give the same reaction), jars & cups, transparent vinegar, funnel, cotton balls, toliet paper, cloth, spoon.

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