Perth, April 11 2020
Day 20 of #covid19 #socialdistance
Motivated by the fact that being 5 people locked in a 3 bedroom house is at times frustrating, we decided to make a box of kindness.
We took a yogurt container and decorated it with some paper wrap. Then we cut small pieces of cartons from a cereal box and thought of kind words to write on them. Then we mixed them all together and in turns we drew a word and tried to make a sentence with that word.
This activity will continue for a long time, every time we come across something kind we will write it on a piece of paper or carton and put it in the box.
We learnt about a few letters of the alphabet and tried to think of words that started with that letters. We learnt writing I and T, and a lot of words with letter M. On the way, we taught grandma some English too :)
Learning outcomes:
kind words
writing skills
Materials: a box or container, wrap paper or any kind of paper possibly not too thick, glue