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Writer's pictureraffademichelis

Day 51: Primates

Perth, May 12 2020

Today's activity was about primates. We made a monkey with toilet roll, and then we talked about how much it looks like us - except from the tail.

We talked about our and their hands and feet, and about physical aspect more generally. Monkeys are better climbers than us because their feet can hang on to branches better and they also have a tail that they use for many purposes, including hanging from trees at times.

We had a look at books with monkeys or other primates - e.g. a newsletter from the zoo with lemurs. Overall, we have so many items in our house that have something to do with primates, including the Messy Monkey snack we had for afternoon tea.

We did not watch any documentary today, but this is the kind of activity that can be complemented by watching a short movie.

We love Born in China - a Disney documentary about Chinese animals - has a good story about a family of monkeys, that highlights how similar they are to us.

Learning outcomes:

something about primates

Materials: toilet roll, paper, colours, scissors and glue.

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