Jul 19, 2020
If you learn to see the world as made of geometrical shapes, you can draw anything.
Today we practiced our shape awareness through making a cat out of a cereal box. We realised, while making it, that we could build it two ways using the same set of pieces. We went for the one on the left.
With the same method, you can build many other animals. Let's have a look at how we did it.
We used circular items from the kitchen with different sizes to draw the shape of eyes, face and body. Then we drew the paws and the tail, and three triangles for the hears and the nose. We cut them out (H&S: supervise your children; provide them with age appropriate scissors or do the cut for them). And it's done, see following pictures. You just need to colour, decorate and stick with glue.
We also cut two triangles to make a bow and another piece to make an hair clip - as you can see from the pictures above.
We had fun, we learnt something.
Learning outcomes:
shape awareness
geometrical shapes
Materials: cereal box, colours, glue, circular shapes of different sizes, scissors - H&S: supervise your children or cut the shapes for them.