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Day 39: Phase transitions in the Kitchen

Perth, April 30 2020 Day 39 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we observed phase transitions in the kitchen. We had fun putting the...

Day 38: Chemical biscuits

Perth, April 29 2020 Day 38 of #covid19 #socialdistance. Today we baked chocolate biscuits! We had so much fun measuring the ingredients...

Day 37: Home made illustrated book about COVID19

Perth, April 28 2020 Day 37 of #Covid19 #socialdistance Today we talked about the COVID19 virus again. We made a home-made book of...

Day 36: Fizzy colourful chemistry - part 2

Perth, April 27 2020 Day 36 of #Covid19 #socialdistance. Today we played chemistry with bicarbonate and coloured vinegar, using food...

Day 35: Covid19 & our first comic strip

Perth, April 26 2020 Day 35 of #covid19 #socialdistancing Today we realised our first comic strip, about Covid19 virus. Wile drawing and...

Day 34: April 25 celebrations for Italo-Australians

Perth, April 25 2020 Day 34 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today it's a special day both for Italy and Australia. It's ANZAC day in...

Day 33: Hands & Animals

Perth, April 24 2020 Day 33 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we practiced our shape awareness through making animals (and King Clown)...

Day 32: Coral reefs & biomineralization - part 2

Perth, April 23 2020 Day 32 of #covid19 #socialdistance As we loved the activity on Coral reefs a few days ago, today we decided to make...

Day 31: Botany in the neighbourhood

Perth, April 22 2020 Day 31 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today, rather than the usual activity, we decided to go for a long walk around...

Day 30: Symmetry

Perth, April 21 2020 Day 30 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we had fun learning some new mathematics skills through exploring symmetry....

Day 29: Patterns & Sequences

Perth, April 20 2020 Day 29 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today was for recognising, reproducing and creating patterns in various different...

Day 28: Belòn the Bear

Perth, April 19 2020 Day 28 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today my daughter woke up holding Belòn the Bear in her harms, and thought...

Day 27: Ponies & Patience

Perth, April 18 2020 Day 27 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we crafted My Little Ponies. It was a long procedure that required waiting...

Day 26: Counting with pasta jewels

Perth, April 17 2020 Day 26 of #covid19 #socialdistance. Today we did some counting while practicing our hand-eye coordination through...

Day 25: Coral reefs & biomineralization - part 1

Perth, April 16 Day 25 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we were inspired by this blog and decided to build our own coral reef from egg...

Day 24: Extraterrestrial bodies & week days

Perth, April 15 2020 Day 24 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today we talked about the days of the week and the origin of their names related...

Day 23: Feelings & emotions during lockdown

Perth, April 14 2020 Day 23 of #covid19 #socialdistance. Today we worked a bit on improving our emotional intelligence. As mentioned in...

Day 22: Magnetism with the bee

Perth, April 13 2020 Day 22 of #covid19 #socialdistance Today it was a special day again; however we decided to have our usual activity...

Day 21: Happy Easter!

Perth, April 12 2020 Day 21 of #covid19 #socialdistance. Today was a special day, so we suspended our usual activities and did something...

Day 20: Writing skills & the box of kindness

Perth, April 11 2020 Day 20 of #covid19 #socialdistance Motivated by the fact that being 5 people locked in a 3 bedroom house is at times...

Blog: Blog2
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